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Writer's pictureMaciej Konarzewski

Bordon Buddies

The Bordon Buddies are a new organisation set up at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis. Sandra Gray from the group describes why Bordon Buddies was set up, what they do day to day and how to get in touch with them if you need support.

‘Bordon Buddies is made up entirely of local people who have volunteered their time to help those in need of assistance during the coronavirus. We set up on the 16th March when it became apparent that this pandemic had reached our shores and was going to quickly change the way we live our lives. We were concerned that there appeared to be a lack of any system to help those being told to shield and we wanted to help. With the help of a Facebook group we quickly established a small admin team (most of us had never met each other before). Once we had a little team, we had to work fast to come up with a system to both let the community know we were here to help and also to get people on board with volunteering.

We have a team of volunteers manning our phone lines and helping out with the admin (Some of who are shielding themselves, that have been so pleased to be able to help at a time when they initially couldn’t see how they could).

Then we have our “buddies” out on the street… those who are shopping or dog walking, collecting prescriptions. We have “buddied” up local residents who are shielding with local residents who are volunteering. This means once they have been paired up they can make their arrangements between themselves for continued help. We are hearing of so many new friendships that have been created from the buddy system which is really heartwarming

AJL cars (taxi firm) have been incredible collecting and delivering prescriptions and have helped so, so many local residents. 

Then we have our phone buddies. Someone to call or to call their buddy to have some company at a time when for some it has been incredibly lonely.

And then finally I guess we have our “other” category. All sorts from people donating, collecting, delivering furniture and kitchen equipment, finding tradesmen in early lockdown for emergencies for those without access to the internet, Signposting people to get further help and organising it where necessary.

If you know someone still needs help due to the impact of COVID-19 you can support us by encouraging them to get in touch with us by phone on 01420 377 002 or by email to Stay up to date with our Facebook group Bordon Buddies for any other requests we may need help with.’

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