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Writer's pictureMaciej Konarzewski

Bordon Food Bank Update

It has been a busy week at the Food Bank again, with around 65 food packs going out, and we're very aware that numbers might increase when the rise in fuel costs hits.

So we are trying to build up our stocks where we can. The donations boxes have been very full, they are our main source of food to give out so always important.

Meanwhile, we had a welcome visit from Tesco Bordon to give us a donation of about £350 which was raised through the book stand in the foyer- thanks to everyone who buys books there!

Thanks too to Sue and Steve who did a Costco shop for the Food Bank, great supporters and much appreciated!

We have accumulated lots of nappies in sizes we don't get asked for at the moment so gave a trolley full to HomeStart, another local charity with whom we work closely. We are sure that those who donated nappies will be happy that they will be useful to families in need, be it through either charity.

It's half term next week - can't do a baking project but puddings would be a treat so how about orange jelly & a tin of mandarins, Swiss roll & custard, or butterscotch Angel Delight and chocolate buttons?

This week we would be grateful for donations of:

  • As always, tinned meat products

  • Tinned tuna

  • Teabags (not huge boxes please)

  • Cook-in sauces

  • Puddings of all kinds

  • Biscuits

  • Sugar

  • Stock cubes, OXO

  • Baby milk - Aptamil 1, Cow & Gate 3

  • Dog food

  • Detergent and washing up liquid



We may be tweaking the opening times of the Food Bank, this will be announced when it's finalised.

Meanwhile, it's:

Tuesdays 1 till.3.30 Wednesdays 10 am till 3 pm Thursdays and Saturdays 10 am till 12.00.

Unit 13 in the Forest Centre, next door to the Forest Cafe, we use the rear entrance.

As always, thanks for the huge support from the community, we couldn't do it without you!

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