As March starts we are all hoping for warmer drier weather and we are sure it will come!
Meanwhile to keep you busy here are some events happening during March, and as we get news of more we will keep you updated.
So to start off, what's happening in The Beehive?

Local Charity information day.
Come and chat over a cup of tea with some of your local Charities, discover more about how they support our local GU35 community and also how they work together.
If you have some spare time, why not join as a volunteer. You can choose to do as much or as little as you have time for.
Our charities could not deliver all that they do without the support of volunteers

Craft Fayres
It is really important to support our local businesses.
For this reason Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust hold monthly Craft Fayres at the Beehive. Come and check out our stalls on Sunday 17th March.
Some of the businesses' that join us are raising money for their dedicated charities, some are independents starting their own business, such as Cookies or Jewelry.
We also welcome stalls that offer support for Health and Wellbeing.

Singing for the Mind
Spot light on one of our user groups!
Every Monday, Right at Home, offer a group for those living with Dementia.
Music and singing have been proven to help with the well being of those living with dementia.
Once a month the group stay behind and enjoy a light lunch provided by Cafe Hogmoor, followed by a walk.
So what's happening in Building 94 and the Community Polytunnel?

Lego Heroes!
There is nothing better than a Sunday afternoon spent with family and friend building the tallest tower or trying to make a space rocket.
Come along, it's a free event. There will be teas and coffees available and squash for the younger members.
Community Polytunnel
Owned by Whitehill Town Council, funded by Health New Town,
managed by Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust.

The Community Polytunnel is a great place for new and old friends to come together, share skills and knowledge but most of all support our local foodbank.
Any surplus produce not used by the growers is taken to Bordon Foodbank.
If you would like to know more about these facilities please do contact us at
To get regular updates and news on what is happening please sign up to our website and follow us on social media.
Both the facilities above are available for hire, with hourly rates starting from £15.
So if you are looking for the perfect venue for your group/class or a venue to hold a birthday party contact us on