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Nut Tree Meadow

The Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust (WBCT) along with their partners, East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) and Whitehill Town Council (WTC) has recently started work to create a second ‘Pocket Park’.

Following on from the successful installation of Honeypin Orchard on Saville Crescent, a second round of funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government was secured to restore and renovate part of the existing greenspace at Bordon’s Jubilee Park.

At the end of October, specialist landscapers MORTON:PATTINSON seeded an area of the park with wildflowers. The mixture of seeds known as EM32- The Royal Meadow Highgrove contains a variety of different wildflowers and grasses including meadow buttercups, ribwort plantain, moon daisy, crested dogstail and soft brome. The meadow will begin to grow and blossom over the spring and summer season 2021, enhancing not only the appearance of the area but also encouraging and improving biodiversity.

In November, the organisations have overseen the installation of several trees from local supplier Southern Fruit Trees, based in Blackmoor. The community will be able to benefit from a variety of fruit and nuts including cobnut, plum, cherry and pear. An interpretation board identifying the different species of trees will be added to the area over the coming months to inform and engage local people with the park and all it has to offer.


Alton based play equipment providers, Sawscapes Play, installed a natural play area into the greenspace. The family run business designed, manufactured and installed a clatter bridge, wiggle ropes, wooden stepping stilts and bench.

Affectionately named ‘Nut Tree Meadow’, it is hoped that the enhancements to this area of Jubilee Park will provide the community with an area that engages them with nature and encourages local people to visit and use the area more regularly. The project partners also plan to also install signage, a bin and improve access to the area ensuring that it is accessible to all.

Support from volunteers will be very important to the upkeep and longevity of both Nut Tree Meadow and Honeypin Orchard. The WBCT is hoping to bring together a group of enthusiastic individuals to support both Pocket Parks. If this is something you would like to be involved in or you would like to know more about the project, please email or call 01420 558085.



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