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Whitehill & Bordon cleans up with the Great British Spring Clean

The Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust in partnership with Whitehill Town Council, Community at Tesco, St Mark’s Church and Deadwater Valley Trust took part in the Great British Spring Clean as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s annual campaign to encourage more people to get active and help clear up the rubbish that lies around us.

Over the course of a very wet and windy morning, more than 20 people collected nearly 30 bags of litter from around the streets in town, including Budds Lane, Mill Chase Road and Hogmoor Inclosure including the area around Whitehill Village Hall.

Whitehill Town Council Mayor, Cllr Colin Leach, thanked everyone who took part, saying:

“Litter can be a real issue across the country and Whitehill & Bordon is no exception.  Whitehill Town Council manages a number of open spaces across the town and spends over £15,000 a year litter picking, disposing of litter and dealing with fly tipping.  This figure is only part of the overall amount spent in Whitehill & Bordon, with other organisations such as East Hampshire District Council and the Deadwater Valley Trust having responsibility for other areas.” 

It is hoped that the groups will come together again in the Summer to co-ordinate another litter pick.

For more information about how to get involved, contact: Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust via email:

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