In 2024 Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust bring you 5 main events.
Green Loop Walk
Hogmoor 6 Challenge
Plant and Share
Health and Wellbeing Fayre
Skate Jam
We will also be signposting you to other health and wellbeing providers in town throughout May.
Sign up to get all the details straight to your inbox.

Sign up for the Hogmoor 6 Challenge 12th May 2024
The Best Family Challenge Yet!
Run 2km
Bike 4km
Come and join us in our first family Duathlon! There's no time pressures or Olympic expectations, it's just about turning up and having some fun as a family!
Then why not stay afterwards for a BBQ provided by our local 1st Blackmoor, Bordon and Whitehill Scout Group.
Then, upload your pics from your phone, or tag @WBCommunitytrust on social media.

Spring into Health with Deadwater Valley Trust 4th May

Spring into Health About Town

Spring into Health events offering support for carers!

Green Loop Walk Saturday 18th May 2024
Come and explore your town!
Bring the family , the dogs or just yourself and join us and Deadwater Valley Trust as we explore the Green Loop.
We will leave Cafe Hogmoor at 10am.
Walk the Green Loop (approx 8km in total)
Bring snacks and drinks with you
Then, upload your pics from your smart phone and tag @WBCommunitytrust on social media.

Skate Jam 2nd June 2024
The Skate Jam is back!!
We are thrilled to be hosting our second Skate Jam at Budds Lane Skate Park.
This years event will be managed by the team from Camp Rubicon. Experts in their field. There will be demo's competitions and prizes!
We also be joined by local merchandise providers Shrunken Head.

Refreshments on the day provided by simply Hog Roast , Dylans Icecream and Mocha Tado.

Thank you to Whitehill Town Council for your continued support for this event and to EHDC for funding from Health New Town Projects.

Music and Health and Wellbeing
Music make the works go around!! And we all know it has been proven to help with memory loss and mood enhancement

Singing for the Mind
A regular group that meets every Monday in the Beehive, Hogmoor Inclosure. Supporting those that are living with Dementia

Do you want to make your own music!

Whitehill and Bordon Spring into Health festival will be taking place during May. There’s something for all the family in our Spring into Action toolkit bursting with fun activities aimed at families with younger children